Atmospheric and Climate Science Lab.
Tropical cyclones and Climate Change
Tropical cyclones are devastating and intense circular storms occurring in warm tropical oceans. It is characterized by low atmospheric pressure, strong winds and heavy rains. Though it is an extreme event, it has some benefits, like maintaining the global heat balance, bringing rainfall, decreasing pollutants etc.
Our team with International Collabs such as European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), Univ Reading and Indian Collabs such as Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) Pune, India Meteorological Department (IMD), National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) and Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) study the impact of tropical cyclones on the climate change. We make use of satellite and reanalysis datasets in our team and we study different aspects of tropical cyclone induced climate change. The north Indian Ocean which consists of the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea is the warmest and it is warming at an alarming rate which is also one reason for the increasing number of storms in the recent years.
We look at the various effects of tropical cyclones on the ocean and atmosphere which have impacts on the regional climate. We also use the buoy and argo measurements to characterize the physical properties of the ocean, which plays a major role during a tropical cyclone event. With the help from ECMWF, we also use some of the global forecasts for our study along with the simulations from the weather research forecast model (WRF).
Along with the physical properties such as SST, winds, rainfall, we also look into the variability of tropical cyclones associated with phenomena such as Madden Julian Oscillation, El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole. Besides we also look into the trace gas exchanges along the troposphere which are also various aspects of climate change.Climate change being a major concern which needs to be addressed, our group's findings will definitely contribute to society. Increased anthropogenic activity and occurence of atleast one tropical cyclone over the NIO, it is important to consider extreme events in top priority.